Capillaries |
| The very small blood vessels that take blood from small arteries to small veins. |
Carcinogen |
| A compound which is capable of causing cancer. |
Carcinogenic |
| The ability of a substance to cause cancer. |
Carcinogenicity |
| The complex process whereby normal body cells are transformed to cancer cells. |
Catalyst |
| A substance that accelerates a reaction. |
Cell membrane |
| The membrane composed of phospholipids, proteins, and cholesterol that form the outer boundary of a cell and regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell. |
Cholestasis |
| A liver condition in which excretion of bile salts via the bile duct is inhibited resulting in bile salts backing up into liver cells. |
Chronic Effect |
| An effect that either shows up a long time after an exposure (the latency period) or an effect that results from a long-term (chronic) exposure. |
Compartment |
| As used in toxicokinetics, compartment is a hypothetical volume of a body system wherein a chemical acts homogeneously in transport and transformation. The body is composed of organs, tissues, cells, cell organelles, and fluids, any one or several of which may be referred to as a compartment. |
Concentration Gradient |
| The relative amounts of a substance on either side of a membrane. Diffusion occurs from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. |
Conjugate |
| A metabolite that results form the joining of a Phase II molecule with a xenobiotic. It is generally more water soluble that the original substance. |
Conjugation |
| A metabolic process in which chemical groups are attached to foreign substances in the body, usually making the conjugated chemical more water soluble and easier to eliminate from the body. |
Covalent Bond |
| The joining together of atoms that results from sharing electrons. |
Cytochrome P -450 |
| An iron-protein complex with a maximum absorbance of visible light at 450 nm that functions as a nonspecific enzyme system during Phase I biotransformation reactions. |
Cytoplasm |
| The fluid matrix of a cell exclusive of the nucleus. Cytoplasm consists of a continuous aqueous solution (cytosol) and the organelles and inclusions suspended in it. This is the site of most chemical activities within the cell. |
Cytosol |
| The liquid medium of the cytoplasm, that is, cytoplasm without the organelles and nonmembraneous insoluble components. |